In 2013, Coram International was contracted to conduct an extensive, multi-country assessment of the impact of universal birth registration at the micro level (for individual children and youth) and at the macro level (for the State). Thematically, the project focused upon the impact of birth registration in the areas of child labour, early marriage, juvenile justice and parental responsibility. This project included an extensive literature review of existing data and reports relating to the impact and potential benefits of birth registration, as well as qualitative primary research in four selected Plan programme countries: India, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Vietnam. The research was conducted in partnership with the International Observatory on Statelessness which was carrying out a complimentary quantitative analysis of existing data sets. Coram International was responsible for incorporating this quantitative analysis into a final report, which provided case studies from the selected Plan programme countries, as well as overarching findings and recommendations relating to birth registration.

In 2012, Coram International conducted an independent evaluation of War Child Holland’s community-based programming in Sierra Leone over the period of 2006-2012. The evaluation assessed the impact, effectiveness and sustainability of programmes at national, district and community levels. It also considered the quality of the implementation of programmes on the organisational level. Coram International conducted the evaluation over a month of field-based research in Sierra Leone, and presented findings in an analytical report and presentation to War Child Holland’s headquarters in Amsterdam. The findings of the evaluation will inform War Child Holland’s institutional planning and future programming.

In 2001, Professor Hamilton was invited to be the legal expert to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The meeting resulted in a report on best practices and methods for including children within the restorative justice process.

In February 2000, following a sustained period of calm in the capital city, after the signing of the Lome Peace Accord (July 1999), Coram International undertook an assessment of the juvenile justice system in Sierra Leone (funded by the Diana Fund). The assessment comprised a comprehensive analysis of the law and practice relating to juvenile justice in Sierra Leone, and included a series of recommendations for reform).