Between 2012 and 2014, Coram International implemented the project “Access to justice for migrant women and children in detention in South Africa”, alongside local partners the Legal Resources Centre, South Africa. The project aimed to tackle unlawful detention of migrant women and children in South Africa through the following actions: research (on the extent and nature of immigration detention); provision of legal advice and assistance to detainees; training (of police, lawyers, detention staff and immigration officials); and advocacy for reform at all levels of the system.

In 2007, Coram International provided legal technical input into the development of Y-Care International’s Youth Justice in Action campaign report, and into the editing of Y-Care Colombia’s report on the DDRR process in Colombia. The Youth Justice in Action campaign report focused upon seeking and representing the views of children within the youth justice system in five countries: the UK, Ireland, Honduras, South Africa and Lebanon.