The international team is part of Coram Children’s Legal Centre, which was founded in 1980. In 2012, the centre joined Coram, the UK’s first children’s charity, founded by Thomas Coram in 1739.
Coram is the UK’s first dedicated children’s charity. We support children and young people from birth to independence, creating a change that lasts a lifetime.
Coram Adoption is one of the largest independent adoption agencies in the UK and is at the forefront of innovation, national standards, policy and practice development in early placement and adoption support. This includes pioneering work in creative therapy, parenting programmes, as well as practice and longitudinal research.
CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy is the leading membership organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care by supporting the agencies and professionals who work with them.
Coram Life Education is the leading provider of drug, health and wellbeing education in the UK. It is part of an international family of organisations enabling children in school to develop critical thinking skills, with 94% of primary pupils stating that the programme helped them to think about drug and alcohol risks.
CoramVoice is the first dedicated advocacy service for children in the care system and dependent on state support. It upholds the rights of children and young people to actively participate in shaping their own lives.
Coram-i is Coram’s award-winning consultancy service, sharing our expertise with local authorities and other agencies to deliver better outcomes for looked after children.
We extend support through our Coram Group Charities to help children and young people access their legal rights through legal representation, policy development, practice and direct advice.
For more information about Coram, please click here.
Coram Children’s Legal Centre
Part of the Coram Group, Coram Children’s Legal Centre is the UK’s leading children’s legal charity. We are committed to promoting children’s rights in the UK and worldwide. We provide free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals, as well as training and consultancy on child law and children’s rights.
For more information about Coram Children’s Legal Centre, please click here.