Coram International carried out its first consultancy in Kosovo in 1998 undertaking a child rights situation analysis. The field assessments highlighted the general gap in knowledge about protecting children in the context of conflict and emergency, and the need to build capacity of local civil society on these issues.
1981 Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) was established as the major UK project for the International Year of the Child.
1997 Coram International was founded as the international wing of the Coram Children’s Legal Centre with Graca Machel as its patron.
1998 Coram International undertook its first project in Kosovo.
2005 Carolyn Hamilton, Director of Coram International, is awarded the prize for Inspirational Leadership by the Sigrid Rausing Trust. The prize money was used to establish the Children’s Rights Centres in Tajikistan and Moldova.
2008 Coram International celebrated its 10 year anniversary.
2009 Coram International is awarded the Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award for its work on the Girls Support Centre in Tajikistan.
2013 Coram International celebrated its 15 year anniversary.
2011 Coram Children’s Legal Centre becomes part of the Coram group of charities.
2015 Coram International has their research on ‘Legal protection from Violence: Analysis of Domestic Laws relating to Violence Against Children in ASEAN States’ chosen as one of the ‘top 12’ pieces in the Best of UNICEF Research 2015.
2017 Carolyn Hamilton, Director of Research and International Programmes at Coram Children’s Legal Centre, is granted the award of Dame Commander of the British Empire (DBE) for Services to Children’s Rights and Education in the 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
2024 Coram International in numbers: As of 2024, Coram International has worked in 98 countries worldwide, with 69 partners, over 26 years.