Coram International is proud to work at the forefront of child justice, as a consultancy firm we are the cutting edge of legal advancements, boasting a team of human rights lawyers and socio-legal researchers highly skilled in ensuring justice for children is delivered.
Justice for children includes ensuring just remedies for violations of rights, specifically empowering children and young people to claim their rights through legal and other services with the extensive support of knowledgeable people or organisations. Our team is particularly well versed in ensuring that children in developing countries benefit from the full application of international norms and standards when they come into contact with justice and related systems, either as alleged offenders, victims or witnesses of crimes.
Coram International also works to ensure that children’s access to justice is maximised. Due to the number of challenges in gaining justice for children (eg. lack of human and financial resources, tension between reconciliation and perpetrators being held accountable), this may include granting children access to non-judicial forms of justice.
Justice system analysis, reform and evaluation
Our team regularly consults on countries’ existing justice systems by conducting analyses, recommending areas of reform, and monitoring and evaluating the subsequent reforms adopted. Our past experience includes developing and implementing legislative and policy frameworks for child justice, recommending appropriate child justice data collection, upgrading information systems, and harmonising all of these with internationally recognised standards.
Capacity training in child justice
As well as systems reform, Coram International is able to provide tailored and context-specific detailed capacity training for all relevant key stakeholders. This can be on a wide range of issues that ensure increased judicial capacity such as training on the protection of victims and witnesses in contact with the law, training on the needs of children of different genders, and practical training in the work of professional support services.
Key stakeholders that our team is experienced at engaging with include judges, prosecutors, police, social workers, lawyers, psychologists, civil society activists and education professionals.
Restorative justice
In line with our belief at Coram International that rehabilitation and reintegration is integral for children who are perpetrators of a crime, our team also provides cutting edge training on restorative justice and non-custodial measures for children in conflict with the law.
This training can include integral aspects of a responsible judicial system including fair trial guarantees, ensuring the deprivation of liberty is a last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, and ensuring child-friendly practices.