From 2019 to early 2020, Coram International provided technical support to UNICEF Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Education to develop a child safeguarding mechanism for educational settings in Azerbaijan. The project activities included a needs assessment of existing child safeguarding and protection procedures and actions, leading to the development of a comprehensive child safeguarding mechanism that included: model code of conduct for safeguarding children, model child protection policy and forms, model behaviour management and anti-bullying policy, model safer recruitment policy, model information sharing and confidentiality policy, model health and safety policy, model child-friendly safeguarding materials, model information for parents, model whistleblowing policy and a model intimate care policy. Coram International validated a draft mechanism at a workshop held by the Ministry of Education that included Ministry of Education officers, as well as representatives from other relevant ministries and organisations. The Coram International team then developed and delivered a training of trainers on an action-oriented, three-day training programme on the safeguarding mechanism, which will be rolled out to educational setting staff and newly-designated safeguarding teams in 2020/21
In 2016-2017, Coram International undertook a comprehensive assessment of the juvenile Justice system in Azerbaijan. The review analysed the existing legal and institutional arrangements, de jure and de facto, the technical and infrastructural support required to improve Azerbaijan’s juvenile justice policy, institutional framework and capacity, as well as information on actual practices relating to juvenile justice that limit access, create risks for juveniles, and opportunities for corrupt practices. Based on the assessment Coram International developed a draft National Strategy to Strengthen Juvenile Justice in consultation with the MOJ and other stakeholders. The Strategy includes recommendations on sequencing and timeline, estimated implementation costs and indicators to assess results and impact, model legislation and implementing regulations to give effect to the Strategy as well as a fiscal impact assessment for Strategy implementation.
In 2010, Coram International conducted an evaluation of a diversion project for children in conflict with the law in Azerbaijan, measuring the implementation of the programme against the project objectives. The evaluation encompassed a review of the quality of services delivered, and their effectiveness; a mapping of the profile of beneficiaries; the identification of any challenges, and the provision of recommendations for programme model adjustments to address these. The evaluation involved comprehensive discussions with children and their families (who participated in the programme) as well as an in-depth look at the comparative cost to the State of placing children in detention compared to referring children to the diversion scheme.
In 2009 Coram International, in partnership with NGO Reliable Futures and the NGO Alliance for Children’s Rights, facilitated training workshops for police head investigators and interrogators, legal clinic and diversion centre staff, and police child inspectors.
In 2007-2008, Coram International conducted a review of child protection legislation, policies and institutions in the light of international standards, and provided recommendations for redrafting and development. Furthermore, Coram International provided technical assistance to the State Committee on Family, Women and Children’s Affairs to establish the role and mandate of an Inter-ministerial Coordination Council on Child Rights.
In 2006-2007, Coram International conducted a detailed assessment of the system for dealing with children in conflict with the law in Azerbaijan. The analysis evaluated law, policy and practice in light of international law and recommendations made to the State by the UN CRC Committee. Coram International provided a set of recommendations to the Government to address challenges within the system. The juvenile justice analysis highlighted the lack of effective community alternatives to detaining juvenile offenders. As a result of this Coram International worked with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, UNICEF and the NGO Alliance for Children’s Rights to develop and implement a diversion and alternative sentencing scheme in one district in Baku. Coram International provided technical assistance and training on implementing and monitoring the case-management system, referral procedures and good practice in working with children in conflict with the law.