Formative and summative evaluation of “Government of Ghana / UNICEF Child Protection Programme (2012 – 2019)”.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Jorun Arndt, Dr Sophie Hedges and Elizabeth Yarrow

March 2021

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In 2020, Coram International conducted a formative evaluation of the Government of Ghana and UNICEF’s Child Protection Programme (2012-2019). The evaluation, stretching across two programme cycles, had an expansive geographical scope covering programming across Ghana at national and sub-national levels. The evaluation generated evidence in relation to 4 of the 6 evaluation criteria of OECD/DAC; relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability and UNICEF’s guiding principles of gender, human rights and equity. The evaluation aimed to support learning and decision-making to improve child protection outcomes for girls and boys in Ghana, to hold UNICEF accountable for its contributions to child protection outcomes, to clarify the changes in child protection in Ghana that have been brought about by UNICEF’s programming, and to determine whether the current programme has the right strategic focus to contribute to strengthening the child protection system moving forward. The report has received a rating of “highly satisfactory” from UNICEF’s independent review mechanism GEROS.