

The Protection of Children from All Forms of Violence and Child Focused Justice in Papua New Guinea

Kirsten Anderson, Catherine Burke, and Bruce Grant 2022

By |April 19th, 2024|Categories: Publications|Comments Off on The Protection of Children from All Forms of Violence and Child Focused Justice in Papua New Guinea

An Assessment of Routine Data Collection Gaps in the Justice for Children Sector in Sri Lanka and Recommendations on Improving Systems and Addressing Data Gaps

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton and Dr. Amellia Smith, 2023

By |November 21st, 2023|Categories: Publications|Comments Off on An Assessment of Routine Data Collection Gaps in the Justice for Children Sector in Sri Lanka and Recommendations on Improving Systems and Addressing Data Gaps

Case Studies: Situation of Children Affected by Migration in ASEAN Member States

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Dr. Amelia Smith, Kirsten Anderson, Kara Apland, and Rosalie Lord, 2022-2023

By |June 26th, 2023|Categories: Publications|Comments Off on Case Studies: Situation of Children Affected by Migration in ASEAN Member States
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